вторник, 28 ноября 2017 г.

Black Friday weekend fever

What a day, what a night! As a person who newly relocated from Russia to Europe, I was amazed by how excited the people are in the shopping malls! Of course, the struggle was not as real as in America, but still: shops were offering interesting discounts, and buyers made sure they used all of them!

 Not being as used to the crowd as it's necessary to enjoy the Black Friday, only treated myself in a Bath and Body Works store with an amazing fragrance, Snowflakes Cashmere, for some reason bringing me into nostalgia mood.
In addition, I have decided to grab some hand sanitizers in the Merry Cookie scent as paired with some ginger cookies and chocolate they make perfect little gifts to your friends.

However once I made in home, I made a serious mistake: I visited the Axes Femme website!

Axes Femme is a quite popular Japanese brand of clothing, offering cute and feminine designs for all the seasons. Normally it serves few lines (or styles): Poetique, which is very romatic, Regular, very feminine and sweet, Kawaii, which relates to lolita fashion a lot, and a Kids line, where you can buy the most adorable outfits for younger ladies.
Considering all of the above, and the great offer of paying 4600 yen for any two items from a discounted range, I couldn't stand aside, and the damage has definitely been done.
It was my second time ordering straight from their Japanese website (here is the link), and I was using the Tenso services. Due to some additional discounts and offers, the overall price ended up being much less - and in fact, they always are treating the customers with some cute little advantages, I guess this is why it was so easy to come back for some shopping to Axes Femme.
Nevertheless, I am pretty happy with my order so far. Following my newly established wardrobe strategy, I was trying to mainly get the pieces that I will be able to wear both to work, to going out and lolita, hence I had to force myself stepping away from the CUTEST bags and dresses. The items that are soon to arrive should match most of my lolita dresses, as well as the office wear (as I work in a dress-code restricted zone, but not interacting with clients, I am still able to dress not as formal), so hopefully I will not regret this impulse buy!
And here is what I've got:

I truly hope that the items will arrive prior to New Year, as I am really looking forward to create some cute coordinates for my trip home as well as some planned events here in Warsaw.

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Wardrobe post!

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